Saturday, March 21, 2009

My 1 Day Trip

Supposingly I had plan to go to zoo negara(National Zoo) with my beloved and collmate(chen kiat,chin shing,aileen,and nyok kit)Who know end up put me aeroplane,only left me and my Dear going.

Initially i was plan to go by train,but since zoo negara is just a 10 min drive from our area,so Dear come and fetch me and we drive to there.At first,we follow the MRR2 highway heading to the zoo,until we reach to the branch of the road...well,it's ok if there is only 2 choices,however it end up with 3 branches!!!Holy god...ok then,we follow the road sign since we saw it before of the road branches,so we turn left...after we turn left,we saw a road sign with "University Of Islamic Malaysia" that's why so many peoples said Malaysia road sign is untrusted,i'm totally agree with it!!! No choice...we have to find a U-turn to go back to the main road...
Finally we were out from the maze and back to the main road.In order to get to the right way,we diceded to stop by at the McDonald to look for help.I asked a McD staff how to go to zoo negara,but he answered me that "oh,u go straigh saja....straigh saja,jangan masuk simpang,lalu simpang tengah"(mean go straigh and don't turn to the branches)Then i follow as what he said...who know he shows me the way to Genting...stupid...
Well,since we had already paid for the toll and miss the very first U-turn,no choice,we decided to walk around at the Gotong Jaya.So funny,wanna go zoo negara and end up go to Gotong have taken some photo over there and walk around,then only continue our way to go back.

Finally we had reach KL,but at that time we already don't feel like going to zoo,because it's quite late already,all the show might over too.Then we go Batu Cave to take our lunch,porridge.Well,the porridge taste good,should have try out,somewhere located at Batu Cave which the name of the restaurant is call Pan Heong Restaurant.And we met Beng Yong there also,what a coincident.

After taken our lunch,we were wondering where to go,since the night is still young,haha...then we decided to go to Damansare Uptown to have a look,since i never been there before.Ish...i was scolded by a restaurant owner due to enter their toilet without permission! So arrogant! Thought the toilet coated with gold like that!!!Well,i'm a educated people,so i apologize to them and don't want calculate with them.Erm,we spend quite some time at there,walking around and take a look in some butik shop,and finally Dear bought a slipper since her slipper already broken.

After that,Dear feel like watching 7 pound before going back home,but we don't feel like going The Curve,because The Curve will surely very crowded on weekends.So we decided to go Jusco to see whether have the movie that we wanted watch,but end up do not have the movie that we wanted.And finally,we decided to go back home

Well,although we didn't get to play in the zoo,but i'm happy to go outing with my Dear.I don't mind where she decided to go,because i'm always happy hanging out with her^^


  1. look like u're having a nice day with ur dear...
    y din ask me come along ler???


  2. sorry for our aeroplane~~
    but look lik u have a nice time wif ur dear~
    good luck to u^^
